Morgan Murray
M, #10600, d. before 24 May 1741
Birth* | | Morgan Murray was born. |
(MentionedIn) Will | 9 May 1704 | He was mentioned in the will of James Murray (Moray) (Immigrant) on 9 May 1704 at Baltimore, Baltimore Co., Maryland, a/c his fathers will he was to have Morgan's Delight on East side of Jones' Falls "at the age of one and twenty years"; By the permission of the Almighty God Amen and the last will and testament of Jame Morray of Patapsco River in the County of Baltimore in the province of Maryland. First I commend unto God my soul and spirit from whom I rescued it with al praises and glory for the ___ of them in this ___ and also praises to his name and power for restraining me from many ___ that man is prone to and as for my worldly goods what God of his mercy has in his goodness beftowards? on me my will is that it should be disposed of in manner and form as following that is to say. Imprimis. I give and bequeath to my eldest son Josephus Morray at the age of one and twenty years that ___ parsell (sic, parcel) of land at the Garrison with the land of the later survey ___(lying unto?) called the Addition being four hundred acres to him and his heirs ___ but if he should die before he come to age my will is that it be redound to my son Melchesidech. Item. I give unto my son Josephus at the age of one and tweny ___ cows and calves and one white servant with provisions for the first years of which mecessarys as shal be convenient for two or three people. Item. I give unto my son Morgan Morray at the age of one and twenty, three hundred of___ of land out of that tract of land called Morgan's Delight lying on the east of Joanses)?_ Falls joyning to the "friends discovery" to him and his heirs forever but if he die before he be at age or without heirs lawfully begotten then my will is that my son Jabus Morray shall enjoy it. Item. I give unto my son Jabus Morray at the age of one and twenty years, two hundred acres of Morgan's delight and one hundred acres of land called Mechalmans --- yard it being purchased of Hector Machalman in lew of a hudren ___ at Huntingridge to him and his heirs forever but if he should die before he come to age or without heirs lawfully begotten of his ___ __mainse to Morgan Morray or his heirs forever or two ___ ___ forever. Item I give unto my son Jabus when ___(several lines unreadable on my old copy from microfilm. Could probably be read if I tried the newer digitized printouts). Item. I give unto my son Melchesidech at the age of one and twenty, my now dwelling plantation containing three hundred fifty acres more or less commonly called by the name of Duck cous? to him and his heirs forever and then the next of kin of the name and never to be sold out of the name. Item. I leave my loving wife Jemima Morray my whole and sold ___and that my personable estate after my debts are paid to be equally divided among my children as they do come of age and likewise my will is that Richard Crommwell and Thomas Cromwell be left trustees to seethis my will performed and --- they should die before my children come to age I leave it to the care of the River Meeting. I do acknowledge this to be by last will and testament in witness whereof I set my hand and ... James Morray Signed and sealed and delibered in the presence of witnesses this instant ninth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and four. Witnesses: Gorge thorpe, Edward Clark (mark), Richard Joans (mark). These are to certifie that by virtue of a commission delivered to me from the ___ office I have called before me the witnesses to the above will was proved to the same according to common form. Thomas Bale.2 |
Marriage* | before 15 January 1717 | Morgan Murray married Sarah Hawkins, daughter of Joseph Hawkins and (__________) (__________), before 15 January 1717 because Morgan and wife Sarah sold part of his inheritance that date.1 |
Death* | before 24 May 1741 | Morgan Murray died before 24 May 1741.1 |
- [S1025] Descendants of James Murray & Jemima Morgan of Baltimore County, Robert William Barns Evd #1025.
- [S1047] Baltimore (MD) Wills Book 1 1666-1721.