Thomas Johnson

M, #10042, b. before 1775, d. 2 November 1826
Father*(__________) Johnson
Mother*(__________) (__________)
ChartsPedigree - father Charles Harold Bassett
Reference3G Grf
Birth*before 1775 Thomas Johnson was born before 1775 at Tennessee. That it was before 1775 is based on age in 1820 census. State is per 1880 census of sons Asahel and Thomas. 
Marriage* He married Hannah (__________)
MovedTo*between 1815 and 1819 Thomas Johnson moved to Nicholas Co., Kentucky, between 1815 and 1819 per son Asahel's obit.1,2 
Deed1817 He sold land in 1817 "Thomas Johnson granted to Ralph Shelton, Deed Book E, p. 251. This property on Clinch River"
Census1820*1820 He was the head of the household in the 1820 census, Nicholas Co., Kentucky, with 2m0-10 (1810-1820, Asahel & Thomas)
1m16-26 (1794-1804, Joseph)
1m45+ (before 1775, Thomas)
1f0-10 (1810-1820, Betsy)
2f10-16 (1804-1810, Susan, Ruth & Polly but which is missing?)
3f16-26 (1794-1804, Hannah, Rachel, Nancy)
1f45+ (before 1775, Hannah)
2 in agriculture (Joseph & Thomas). 
Deed*1 January 1820 He sold land on 1 January 1820 at Grainger Co. Deed E:129, Grainger Co., Tennessee: Thomas Johnson of Nicholas Co., Ky. & Samuel Nicholson of Pa. by atty. Asahel Johnson to Ralph Shelton of Claibourn Co. for $160 sold land ...87 1/2 acres in Grainger on waters of Puncheon Camp creek, bounds north east corner of tract conveyed to Thomas Shackley a stake in "Blunt's line" ...
     [signed] Thomas Johnson, Samuel Nicholson, by atty Asahel Johnson Wit: William Parker, John Lay
     Reg'd 20 April 1821
MovedTo1819 He moved to Jefferson Co., Kentucky, in 1819 per son Asahel's obit, however it was more likely after the 1820 census.1 
Deed5 December 1825  On 5 December 1825 at Jefferson Co., Kentucky: "I finally got the land record packet from the archives. Six pages of receipts. The only thing it told me was that Thomas Johnson of Jefferson County, Kentucky purchased the land in Putnam County IN in person at the Crawford Indiana land office on December 5th 1825. I guess we now know the last date he was alive."3 
Residence3 October 1826  In 3 October 1826 Thomas Johnson resided at Clark Co., Indiana. Though his son says that he died in Kentucky, the court case says he was living in Indiana on this date just prior to his death. But this still works because Clarke County is just across the river from Jefferson Co Kentucky.4 
Death*2 November 1826 He died on 2 November 1826 at Kentucky per his son's statement in a lawsuit - Also, on 13 Feb 1827, he is shown as deceased on daughter Hannah's marriage license.5,4 
Probate* His estate was probated; NEGATIVE - Jefferson Co KY General index to inventories and settlements: 1800-1910 (SLC 1490859) and Wills index 1784-1901 (SLC 588536.) 
(EstateOf) Deed28 March 1836 Simon Spangler and Hannah Jane Johnson sold land to Thomas Johnson as part of the estate of Thomas Johnson 28 March 1836 Deed Book F (SLC 1315555) Page 189, Putnam Co., Indiana: State of Indiana, Clarke County
     Know all men by these present that I Simon Spangler and Hannah my wife of county and state aforesd for and in consideration of the sum of eighty dollars to me in hand paid the receipt hereof is hereby acknowledged have granted bargained and sold and conveyed and by these presents do grant bargain sell and convey unto Thomas Johnson of Putnam county and state aforesaid all my right ___ and interest in and to the south east quarter of section twenty seven in township fifteen north and range four west (which I inherit as heir of Thomas Johnson deceased) and do warrent and defend the same to him his heirs and assigns forever against all legal claims of any and all persons claiming the same or any part thereof.
     In confimation whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this the twenty eighth of March 1836.
     Simon Spangler (seal)
     Hannah Spangler (seal)
There follows the usual paragraph that Hannah's signing of the deed was voluntary.
In Putnam Co Deed Book F (SLC 1315555) Page 189.6
(EstateOf) Deed14 April 1837 Hosea Moses Wright, Susan Johnson, John W Cunningham and Elizabeth "Betsy" Johnson sold land as part of the estate of Thomas Johnson 14 April 1837 Deed Book F (SLC 1315555) Page 192-193, Putnam Co., Indiana:      This indenture made the 14th day of April, one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven between John W. Cunningham and Elizabeth his wife Hosea Wright and Susan his wife and Thomas Johnson heirs of Thomas Johnson dec’d of the one part and Stacey Reeves of Putnam County, Indiana of the other part witnesseth[sic] that the said party of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred dollars current money of the United Sates to them in hand paid, the receipt where of is hereby acknowledged have granted, bargained, and sold and by these present do grant bargain and sell unto the said Stacey Reeves his heirs and assigns forever their undivided interest in a certain tract of parcel of land
     Page 193
situate lying and being in the County of Putnam and State aforesaid, being the south east quarter of section twenty-seven in township fifteen north and range four west containing one hundred sixty acres. To have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land will all the appurtenances unto the said Stacey Reeves his heirs assigns, to his only proper use benefit and behalf forever and the said party of the first part do covenant and agree with the said Stacy Reeves and his heirs and assigns that the premises hereby bargained and sold now are and forever here after shall be and remain free and clear of and from all right and title of dower or other incumbrances [sic] whatsoever and that they the said party of the first part will and their heirs executors and administrators shall warrant and forever defend their interest in said tract or parcel of land with all the appurtenances unto the said Stacey Reeves and his heirs and assigns against all and every person and person whatever lawfully claiming or to claim the same.
     In testimony where of the said party of the first part have here unto set their hands and seals the day and year first above mentioned.
     Thomas Johnson seal
     Hosea Wright seal
     Susan Wright seal
     J.W. Cunningham seal
     Elizabeth Cunningham seal
State of Indiana Putnam County Oct 4 1837
     Be it remembered that on this day to wit the fifteenth Of April eighteen hundred and thirty seven personally came before me ReuBen Slavens a Justice of the Peace in and for the county aforesaid John W. Cunningham and his wife Elizabeth, Hosea Wright and Susan his wife and Thomas Johnson the grantors named in the foregoing deed of conveyance and severally acknowledged the signing and sealing of said deed to be their act and for the purposes therein contained and Elizabeth and Susan wives of John W. Cunningham and Hosea Wright, being first examined seperately and apart form their husbands acknowledged that they signed and sealed said deed as their own voluntary act without any compulsion or coercion from their husbands
     In testimony where of I have here unto set my hand and seal the day and year above written
     Reuben Slavens JP seal
     This indenture made and entered into this 24th day of August 1837 By and between Hannah Johnson of Warren County of the one part And Stacey Reeves of Putnam County of the other part witnesseth That the said Hannah Johnson for and in consideration of three Hundred dollars to her in hand paid the receipt of which is hereby ackNowledged hat granted, bargained and sold by these presents do grant bargain and sell unto the said Stacey Reeves and his heirs and assigns forever all her right and title of dower in and to the south east quarter of section twenty-seven in township fifteen north and range four west in the County of Putnam and State of Indiana, to have and to hold unto the said Stacey Reeves and his heirs all the aforesaid right and title of dower against the claim of the said Hannah Johnson and all persons claiming under her. And the said Hannah Johnson will warrant and defend the title aforesaid to said Stacey Reeves and his heirs and assigns
     Page 194
all claims whatsoever.
     In testimony where of the said Hannah Johnson hath here unto set her hand and seal this date above.
     Hannah Johnson seal
     Signed sealed and delivered in presence of Mary Wright               
     State of Illinois McDonough County
     I Harrison Hungate an acting Justice of the Peace of the aforesaid county do hereby certify that the above named Hannah Johnson grantor to the written deed and who is personally known to me personally came before me and acknowledged the assigning and sealing the same to be her act and deed for the purposes there in expressed
     Harrison Hungate JP seal
     State of Illinois County of McDonough Oct
     I James M. Campbell Clerk of the County Commissioners Court in and for the County of McDonough and State of Illinois do hereby certify that Harrison Hungate Esq whose name is subscribed to the foregoing certificate of acknowledgement was at the time the same was made an acting Justice of the Peace I and for the county afore said was duly commissioned and qualified and that is such, full faith and credit are and ought of right to be given to all his official acts
     The testimony where of I have here unto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Commisioners Court of said County at my office in Macomb this thirteenth day of August AD 1837 and the independence of the United States           
     James M. Campbell Clerk. 
(EstateOf) Deed8 May 1837 David Epler, Rachel R Johnson and Nancy Johnson sold land as part of the estate of Thomas Johnson 8 May 1837 Deed Book F (SLC 1315555) Page 190-191, Putnam Co., Indiana:      This indenture made this eighth day of May one thousand eight Hundred and thirty seven between David Epler and Rachel his wife And Nancy Hill, heirs of Thomas Johnson, dec’d of the one part and Stacey Reeves of Putnam County and State of Indiana of the other part witnessed that the said part of the first part and inconsideration of the sum of one hundred dollars current money of the United States of to them in hand paid the receipt of whereof is hereby acknowledged have granted bargained and sold and by these presents do grant bargain and sell unto the said Stacey Reeves his heirs and assigns forever their undivided interest in a certain tract or parcel of said _____ lying and being in the southeast quarter of section twenty seven in township fifteen north of range four west to have and to hold the said tract or parcel Of land with all the appurtenances there unto belonging unto the said Stacey Reeves his heirs and assigns, to his only proper use, benefit and behalf forever
Page 191
     and the said party of the first part do covenant and agree with the said Stacey Reeves and his heirs and assigns that the premises hereby bargained and sold now are and forever here after shall be and remain free and clear of and from all right and title of dower or other encumbrances whatsoever and that they the said part of the first part will and their heirs, executors and and [sic] adminststators shall warrant and forever defend their interest in said tract or parcel of land with all the appurtenances there unto belonging unto the said Stacey Reeves and his heirs and assigns against all and every person or persons Whatsoever lawfully claiming or claim the same.
     In testimony whereof the said party of the first part have here unto Set their hands and seals the day and year above written
     Signed, Sealed, and delivered
     David Epler     seal
     Rachel Epler seal
     Nancy Hill seal
     In presence of
     D. G. Henderson
     Thomas Pierce               
     State of Illinois Morgan County
     I, David G. Henderson an acting Justice of the Peace of said County do hereby certify that David Epler and Rachel his wife and Nancy Hill whose signatures appear to the foregoing deed and who are personally Known to me to be person described in and who executed the same Did severally acknowledge that they had executed the said conveyance for the Uses and purposes therein mentioned and the said Rachel Epler having been By me made acquainted with the contents of the said deed and examined Separate and apart from her said husband acknowledged that she had executed the same and relinquished her dower to the promised there in conveyed freely and without compulsion of her said husband.
          Given under my hand and seal
     May the eighth 1937
     David G. Henderson seal
     State of Illinois Morgan County
     I Dennis Rockwell Clerk of the Commissioners Court of Said county do certify that David G. Henderson Esq whose name appears to the Attached certificate was at the time of signing the same Justice of the Peace Within and for said county duly commissioned and qualified [sic] according to Law, and that as such full faith and credit should be given to all his acts.
     In testimony whereof, I have here unto set my hand and affixed the seal of said court, at Jacksonville this ninth day of May one thousand eight hundred seven
     David Rockwell seal. 
(EstateOf) Deed24 August 1837 Joseph G Johnson, Asahel Johnson, Mary Johnson and Ruth Ann Johnson sold land to Stacy Reeves as part of the estate of Thomas Johnson 24 August 1837 Deed Book F (SLC 1315555) Page 191-192, Putnam Co., Indiana:      This indenture made this 24th day of August one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven between Joseph Johnson, Asahel Johnson, Mary Wright and Ruth Ann Knight, heirs of Thomas Johnson dec’d of the one part and Stacey Reeves of Putnam County Sate of Indiana of the other part witnesseth [sic] that the said party of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of four hundred dollars current money of the United States to them in hand have paid the receipt where of is hereby acknowledged have granted bargained and sold and by these presents do grant bargain and sell unto the said Stacey Reeves his heirs and assigns forever their undivided interest in a certain tract or parcel of land situated lying and being in the County of Putnam and the State of Indiana being the southeast quarter of section twenty seven in township fifteen north and range four west
     Page 192
     to have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land with all the appurtenances unto the said Stacey Reeve his heirs and assigns to hi only proper use and benefit and behalf forever and the said party of party the first part do covenant and agree with the said Stacey Reeves and his heirs and assigns that the promises hereby bargained and sold are now and forever here after shall be and remain free and clear of and from all right and title of dower or other encumbrances whatsoever and that they the said party of the first part will and their heirs executors and administrators shall warrant and for ever defend there interest in said tract of or parcel of land with all the appurtenances unto he said Stacey Reeves and his heirs and assigns against all and every person or persons whatever lawfully claiming or claim the same
     In testimony where of the said party of the first part have here unto set their hands and seals the day and year above written.
     Signed sealed and delivered
     Joseph Johnson seal
     Asahel Johnson seal
     Mary Wright seal
     Ruth Ann Knight seal
     In presence of
     Thomas Johnson
     Enos Lowe
     State of Illinois McDonough County October 3 1837
     I Harrison Hungate an acting Justice of the Peace of said county do hereby certify that Joseph Johnson, Asahel Johnson, Mary Wright and Ruth Ann Knight the grantors in the foregoing deed and who are personally known to me to be the person subscribing and who executed the same deed severely acknowledge that they have executed the said conveyance for the use and purposes there in mentioned.
     Given under my hand and sea this 26th day of August 1837
     Harrison Hungate JP     seal
     State of Illinois McDonough County
     I James A. Campbell, Clerk of the County Commissioners Court in and for the County of McDonough and State of Illinois do hereby certify that Harrison Hungate Ezqr whose name is subscribed to the foregoing certificate of acknowledgement was at the time the same was made an acting Justice of the Peace in and for the county and state aforesaid duly commissioned and qualified and that as such, full faith and credit are and ought of right to be given to all his official acts.
     In testimony where of I have hereunto set my hand and     affixed the seal of the County Commissioners Court of seal     said county at my office in Macomb this thirtieth day of August A.D. 1837 and of the Independence of the United States the
     James M. Campbell     seal.      
(MentionedIn) Probate3 November 1840 He was mentioned in a probate of Asahel Johnson on 3 November 1840 at Rhea Co., Tennessee. as one of the bondsmen; James Lauderdale was appointed administrator of the estate. He entered into bond with Thomas Johnson (Asahel's son OR brother), John Johnson (son), and John Templeton (soninlaw), his securities for $20,000. Asahel "had six heirs at law James Lauderdale (dau Jane's husband), John Templeton (dau Mary's husband), John Johnson (son), Hannah P Johnson (dau), five of whos recpts..." - it's unknown who the other two heirs were.7 
Relationships3rd great-grandfather of David Lee Bassett
Great-grandfather of Martha Belle Spangler


Hannah (__________) b. 26 Jul 1768, d. 29 Sep 1858
Marriage* Thomas Johnson married Hannah (__________)
Last Edited25 Aug 2021


  1. [S1649] Obit for Asahel Johnson
  2. [S1650] Obit for Asahel Johnson
  3. [S1647] "email from Angela to Kathryn," e-mail message from Angela McLaughlin, private email address to Kathryn Bassett, Apr 2007+.
  4. [S1693] Tennessee Tidbits, 1778-1914, Volume IV, Marjorie Hood Fischer.
  5. [S1080] Jefferson Co. KY Early Marriages, Rogers Clark Ballard Thruston & Filson Club Evd #1080.
  6. [S1648] Clarke Co IN deed F-189
  7. [S1783] Tennessee, Probate Court Books, 1795-1927 Rhea Administrations, Wills, 1841-1852 online on Ancestry.