This website deals with matters related to the Bassett surname. In particular, it deals with the DNA genealogy of the various lineages using the Bassett surname.

Menu Links:

Bassett DNA - last update 21 May 2006 (Excel spreadsheet) has an overview of all the Bassett lineages for which DNA testing has been done and the y-chromosome signature determined. The link is to an Excel spreadsheet. If it doesn't open, then right click and choose to save the target. You should be able to open it in your own spreadsheet program. You can also see it here, but without the links to the kit pedigrees.

Newsletters - last update 21 May 2006 has links to current and past newsletters.

Bassett Lines - last update 17 Feb 2006 (text file) has information the lines of descent of the various Bassett surname lineages. Please note the # that starts a name in the DNA spreadsheet (example #1A), then click on Bassett Lines (a text file) to see the list in numerical order. For the example, you will see that #1A is William Bassett (Fortune 1621). This list is the master list of all the various Bassett families Jeffrey Bassett is the clearing house for. We have an eventual goal of showing the names of descent from current to farthest back Bassett on each line.

Meanwhile, here are some other helpful links.

Bassett Family Genealogy Forum
Bassetts at
Rootsweb Basset Records
Rootsweb Bassett Records
Bassett Family Distribution in the US

Jeffrey Bassett
Bassett Family Research
520 Salceda Drive
Mundelein, IL 60060 USA (home)